Love turning into lust is like the dying of a beautiful plant, the fading of colours, the flickering of a once brilliant light. But how truly can Love become lust?
When in a relationship, one partner suddenly feels that the love euphoria initially experienced is lost, and that the only thing that binds them is just sexual activities; should it be concluded that their love had become lust?
First the question to be asked is, "was their love true? Was it based on right and genuine intention?
Could it have been that one partner simply savours the idea of being in love- a fantasized love; an infatuation? (This often happens in Ladies)
Couldn't it have been that they were initially both in lust?
At what point does one conclude that the love in the relationship is no longer there? Although, two people might love each other but not compatible for a marital relationship; that should not be a conclusion that love has become lust.
It is better to examine your relationship. Have a deep conversation about it with your partner if he or she is willing to listen, or go for counseling. For true love can never become lust.
Find in my previous post on love versus lust here, to guide you in identifying what you truly feel.
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